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Writer's pictureVon Dailey

Are You A Warrior?


My name is Von Dailey, I’m a decorated and retired military veteran and by all rights most people would say I am an American Warrior. The wars I fought in where to force other countries or people to submit to the will of The United States. We had and have arguably the strongest, best trained and best equipped military in the world and we have or, at least had, a presence around the globe. Very few would disagree that our military is a force to be reckoned with!


However, the battles that I fought pale in comparison to the spiritual battles we face every day, here and now. When you realize the outcome of these spiritual battles have the potential to last for eternity and our foe is cunning in ways beyond our imagination. He is a formidable adversary and if we don’t pay attention and don’t have on the full armor of God he may get the best of us. We must respect his abilities but we must not fear him. The Christian training manual, The Holy Bible, was not inspired by man but divinely authored as God’s own words. Our comrades are our brothers and sisters in Christ and our commander is God Himself. As Christian Warriors we don’t fight for land, oil, wealth or power. We fight for truth; we fight for lost souls and eternity in heaven for those souls; and we shine the light of Jesus for all to see. We fight an invisible enemy but the results of his work are visible all around us. As strong as we think we are, we are no match for Satan without Jesus. Not only is Satan stronger, smarter, an cunning, he knows our weaknesses.


Our mission is of utmost importance and failure is not an option. There is urgency in our fight because we never know when the last breath of a lost soul will be exhaled and his or her option to choose Jesus will vaporize and be gone with the last beat of his or her heart. Our tools of warfare are not guns, bombs or any weapon of mass destruction but rather, the Holy Bible, prayer, the truth of Jesus, light, love and an ongoing relationship with Jesus. We live in a constant state of battle with an enemy who preys on our weaknesses, who has no honor, who is the father of lies and uses fear or other diversions to stifle us if we allow it. We have been and will be attacked from all angles. Jesus warns us that we will be persecuted if we follow Him. So Embrace persecution as a badge of honor! Stand firm in faith and in truth, be courageous and do not compromise with evil. Know the whole world is going to b e screaming at you to sit down and shut up, but stand firm still. Your life, my life, everybody's life on this earth demands that we stand firm against evil and for what is right and true. to save our country, we have to stand firm and united no matter what the enemy throws at us. Are you ready? if you are not ready, the day is coming that you won't have a choice. you will either roll over and submit to the enemy, or you will fight for yor God given rights. If you aren't prepared today, all I ask until you are ready is don't get in the way of those who are ready.


I know and understand who I am in Jesus. Do you know and understand who you are in Jesus? I’m a Christian Warrior! I am fighting in God’s Army ever standing firm against the dark forces of evil. I let the light of Jesus go before me and shine into the dark recesses of the world and into the lives of others. Can you say the same? I pray that you can because this war is real! 


One last thing, if you don’t know Jesus as your personal savior, if you want to be a warrior fighting the dark forces of evil and shining the light of truth and love into others lives and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven, then today is your day of salvation. Today is the day to accept Jesus and start living for Him. Today is the day to become a Christian Warrior, to don the Full Armor of God and take a stand against the evil forces in the heavenly realms! If you don't know Jesus as your personal savior, time is short and there is no better time than right now!

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