I think it’s a good time to explain how my book transpired and came in to being written and published.
It was a bit Intimidating!
As you might imagine, taking on the task of writing a book was not something I took lightly. To tell you the truth, it was intimidating and I didn’t really know where to start. For example, do you just type up a manuscript and then what do you do with it? I’ve been writing for myself and for things to post over the past 10 years. Writing was not the problem except was made a bit more difficult after my stroke. I no longer can type 60-80 words per minute. It more like 5 if I’m lucky. I write today on my cell phone because I can hold it with one hand and type with my thumb. Yes, my entire book was one letter at a time and my thumb was very intimate with key board. But, I’ll get back on track on how my book came together.
A little motivation
In September of 2022 my wife Kim, and our friend, Theresa, went to a Clay Clark ReAwaken America Tour in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. When Kim came home she was so excited about what and who she saw and heard speak. She said on numerous occasions I need to speak on this tour. A number of people from our church also went to this particular tour and I received many comments about that I should speak on the tour and that I should write a book. My response was that I wails live to have the opportunity to speak during a ReAwaken America event and yes, I should wright a book, where do I start? As time eased into October 2022 I finally decided I would contact Clay Clark and tell him a bit about me and my testimony. As I typed up the email I really no idea of what was about to transpire. Immediately upon hitting the send button to fire off the email to Clay Clark a list of chapters for my book started to scroll through my mind. I wrote them all down in the notes of my cell phone and that is where it went from a wish to a really rough outline of a book. It took me about 8 months to type everything with my thumb to were I felt comfortable to start looking for an elusive publisher.
Finding a publisher?
Finding a publisher for my first book was actually harder and more time consuming than writing the book. As you might imagine, the range of publishers vary widely but they all sound to inviting and they all definitely play on your emotions. I knew this was happening but it’s kind of like buying your first car, if you’re not careful you’ll be taken advantage of. The price also varied from $600 to $15,000 and every publisher I talked with had the best deal going. I knew, for me, a lot of it was too good to be true and it took a lot of self control not to jump in with two feet because they all promised the world. The tried everything in the book to butter me up and build me up and how excited they were to be part of my first book. Ugh, Holy Spirit was with me and I listened to Him even though it was tough to wait as He instructed. Finally, upon talking with Kim, she pulled out some papers from an adult education class she took 10 or so years ago. That class was on the self publishing company Lulu.com. And that is the company I ended up choosing. Why, there was no upfront cost, and I didn’t have to go through months of rewriting that other companies alluded to. It was a steep learning curve, but my first book, “My Experiences With the Trinity” has been published and is approved/accepted for world wide distribution. Now, that’s exciting. God promised me on the night of my stroke that a lot of people were going to come to Him because of my testimony and the things I go through. I don’t know what a lot men’s to God, but I’m sure His “a lot” is no that my “a lot” and since I’m a numbers guy I’d like to see at least a million people come to God that this book had some influence on their decision to accept the truth.