Before I Continue with this post, I must give you some background information as what motivated me to write it and why I titled it, "It's Worth It! In November 2021 I was sick with what I think was pneumonia and I was coughing a lot. On a Saturday evening I coughed so hard that I put a rib out on my right side in my back. One thing I feel really blessed about is that with all the symptoms of the stoke that I deal with day in and day out, physical pain is generally not one of them. But this time the pain was like a special kind of torcher. When I went to bed, it didn't matter if I laid on my side, my stomach, or my back, every breath was accompanied with excruciating pain. After agonizingly tossing and turning until about 2AM, I decided to sit up and write to take my mind off of the pain and this is what I wrote. "It's Worth It" is also a chapter in my book titled, "My Experiences With The Trinity" and it can be found at VonDailey.Com
It’s Worth It!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I remind myself, it doesn’t matter how difficult it is, it’s worth it,
God promised me, so it’s worth it,
Each and every tear is worth it,
Every painful breath is worth it,
The loss of many of physical capabilities is worth it,
Everyday that seems like an eternity is worth it,
If just one person comes to Jesus, it’s all worth it,
Losing so many things I love doing is worth it,
The every day struggle is worth it,
If just one more person comes to Jesus, this pain I endure is worth it,
Each and every day is worth the struggle,
If just one more person comes to Jesus.
Tomorrow is a new day, and the possibilities are endless. I can make it one more day, as long as I know,
One more person may accept the truth of Jesus.
I can hold on one more day, if there is even a possibility that one more person will make the choice to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus verses eternity in Hell with Satan.
My life is in God’s hands, and for one more day I’ll be a warrior for God because I know many people are going to come to Jesus because of my testimony and the things I go through. That’s the promise God made to me so it’s worth it. Thank you Jesus, for always allowing one more day until the day comes that it’s time to lay down my sword and my work is done.