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Writer's pictureVon Dailey

Spiritual Warfare and how it Affects Us!

I decided to write about this topic because it has come up in conversation numerous times lately. Apparently, many people shy away from this topic for a number of reasons: because it mind blowing and hard to accept; doing so is like admitting there is evil in the world; even more frightening for some is the conversion about demons and their existence to name a few. 

Fight and Win!

In the words of Sun Tzu in his book the, “The Art of War” to defeat your enemy you must know your enemy. The chances of being victorious in spiritual warfare will be greatly reduced if you ignore your enemy and pretend that he doesn’t exist. 

One of the best ways to know your spiritual enemy is read and know chapter 6 of the Book of Ephesians. Then come to the realization that spiritual warfare is real, the battle is real, evil is real and demons exist to do Satan’s work. At that point you’ll at least be aware that you have spiritual enemies and you’ll be prepared with the armor of God and the knowledge that the war is real and raging on all around us all the time. 

How are We Prepared for Battle?

At first it may seem like an individual, an army of one, preparation, but that is far from true. Yes, we have to individually read and become knowledgeable. Yes, we have to individually close gates that lets evil into our lives. Yes, we have to die to ourselves and learn to lean on Jesus as the source of our strength. As a Christian you are also apart of the body of Christ you can gather strength of each other. But without Jesus we are no match for our adversary, Satan. Also, God has given each of us one or more spiritual gifts to use to fight and be victorious in this war. You can learn more about the spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10.


How do We Measure Success in Spiritual Warfare?

What does victorious in this war mean? It does not mean we are going to save the world. It’s already written that there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth. So we are not fighting for the earth. This battle is over souls, and we are victorious with each soul that repents of their sin and asks Jesus into their lives and to be their personal savior.  We must remember we are here on earth for a limited time and how we use that time could mean eternity in Hell or eternity in Heaven for some people. I believe we are coming to a time that there are going to be people that see that we have something they don’t, and they are going to want that thing, what ever it is. Well, you and I know what that thing is, it’s Jesus. They are going to see what they believe is our strength, our courage, hear our words, see that we have no fear, but what they are really seeing is Jesus within us and they are going to want what they see. I totally believe it’s going to be a time for the angels to rejoice in Heaven, Luke 15:10. 


Don’t get me wrong, the rewards are incredible but the work is anything but easy. Remember, Jesus said if we follow Him, we will be persecuted. Expect it and view persecution as a badge of honor. After all, you’re doing the work God sent you here to accomplish. Keep in mind, you’re never alone, Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. Additionally, Luke 10:19 Jesus said: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you”. Don’t forget, Jesus also said 365 times to FEAR NOT!

A word of Caution

As a person, even a Christian, don’t fall for the temptation to use your spiritual gifts to glorify yourself and then thank God for the gift(s). It’s an easy trap to fall into, and it’s a deception Satan loves to use because it’s so subtle. Remember where we started, know your enemy, a major step to prevailing in this war!

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