I want to personally than the people who have signed up to get a news letter on my website: VonDailey.com. You are instrumental to the success of getting the message of how great the Trinity; God the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirt are. Additionally, how much they love each and every one of us and want us all to accept the free gift of salvation by acknowledging what Jesus did on the cross. No matter how loud I speak as an individual, my voice will not carry like the voice of the body of Christ. So again, I personally thank each of you for being willing to get involved in spreading the gospel.
History Repeats Itself and Time is of the Essence
There has never been a time in history like what’s going on today in the world. Yes, I agree, history has a way of repeating itself and the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” However, as history repeats itself there are new players and new strategies that make it different from the past in many wats, yet still the same. And, as far as I know, the world had never in history been in lock step like it has been to bring in the Great Reset. We must keep in the forefront of our mind that Satan hates God’s creation and he wants to destroy us. No matter how you spin it, the time on this earth is short compared to eternity. Those who have already excepted Jesus as their personal savior have a big job ahead them to spread the gospel to those who don’t know Jesus, the Truth. Wether you want to admit it, our time is limited and our task is urgent. Because each and every day is someone’s last day in this realm, so their time is extremely short. If they have salvation that means they get to go home. But, if they’ve denied what Jesus did for them the lake of fire awaits them. It important that Christians let the light of Jesus shine through them in every circumstance so those that don’t know Jesus gets to see Him in us. As we plant the seeds of hope, it will make the harvest much much robust.
Things are difficult, buckle up, it's going to get worse
Times are hard right now, it is all around us. Housing cost are astronomical, food prices are out of this world, interests rate are staggeringly high, inflation is making our hard earned money worth less and less and the list goes on. As bad as it is now, there are a lot of indicators that things are going to get even tougher before they get better. And for some, it’s going to get really bad. But in the midst of the bad, we need to remember who we are in Christ. We need to remember we are His ambassadors and that we have a very important mission to accomplish. The importance of that has eternal consequences for everyone on earth. As a Christian, as hard as things may seem to each of us, we are promised in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”. With that in mind, everything become a win-win scenario.
My wife Kim and Me on the Hiawatha Trail,
four years after my hemorrhagic stroke.
You are here on purpose
As your days turn into weeks, months, and years, please remember, you are here for a purpose and we each have a job to do. We each have been giver spiritual gifts to help equip us to accomplish that job. So go forth courageously without fear knowing our Father is the King of kings and Lord of lords and there is no reason to fear.
-Von Dailey